Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 16 - #Reverb10 - Friendship

Prompt: Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst?
Author: Martha Mihalick  Editor at Harper Collins @curiousmartha

Multiple friends have changed my perspective on the world this year and mostly in gradual ways.

One friend is becoming a mom this year. It was fun to see her go through the various phases of pregnancy first hand, as she is the first close friend of mine to have a baby. I was able to help decorate the baby's room, go shopping for baby clothes and host a baby shower. Being able to participate in these activities make me excited about starting my own family with The Hubs. It has also made me think about perspective on the importance of starting a family with respect to career changes and work/life balance. I haven't gotten it all figured out yet, but seeing your best friend go through has really got me thinking.

Another friend was very vocal about the goals she set and what steps she took to make them happen. Normally, I set lofty resolutions that are hard to determine whether or not I was really successful. Watching my friend accomplish so much by setting concrete goals has inspired me to change my perspective my whole goal setting process. I've already started a list of specific goals I want to accomplish in 2011. (Stay tuned for more on that after the holiday break!)

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